Hotel & Tourism Management
Siam University
Student Highlights
How to handle schools works especially exams?
May 18, 2014. Written By Ms. Karissa Baguisi Id: 5608100057
There is a misconception that studying in Siam University is really easy to get an A grade. Actually, it’s not that easy (this is based on our program). We have a lot of projects that will require a lot of your time – but it is part of gaining experience – as well as midterm and final exam that are not that easy.
Since we are an international college, English is really an important factor that will affect your grades. I remembered my Thai friend told me that their English entrance exam for our program was really easy but did not expect to have Advance English as the medium of teaching in our program. One advice is to improve your English especially if it is really poor because you will have a hard time if you don’t. Most of our professors are not Thai and even if they are Thai professors, they will ask you to speak in English at all times.
Another advice is to do your best when it comes to projects because presenting a bad quality project will result to humiliation. Also, if your project is bad quality, a lot of revision will be asked by the professors, sometimes they will not accept it which will consume more of your time.
Third advice is to practice your public speaking. Most of Dr. Bongkosh’s project requires students to present their project in front of the class or in front of the whole students of our program. Being shy does not mean it can hinder you from presenting, but think of this as an opportunity to improve yourself. Being used to presenting, can make you feel confident in front of the audience. This is one thing I learned from this program. I am a really shy girl but I overcame it by presenting and reciting during class.
Last advice is to study your lecture materials before and after it was discussed. All professors especially Mr. Kris asks everyone to participate during class. Again, humiliation is one of the aftermaths if you do not study your lecture materials. Also, it is not just about memorizing but really understanding all the theories.
Following these advice can help you cope up with school works as well as to get an A or B+ grades in your classes. These are all based on my experiences. Although people are different with each other so please do not blame me if you get low grades while following my advice. Kidding aside, I hope all incoming students of our program will have a good time and good grades while studying. Do your best!