Hotel & Tourism Management
Siam University
Siam University is in forefront in Research
The Hotel and Tourism Management faculty is at the forefront of academic research in Thailand and publishes numerous articles every year in high ranking journals such as Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism.Also the faculty participate in many conference. In 2004, Associate Professor Dr. Bongkosh Ngamsom, Program Director, won the Award for Best Paper, at the Second APacCHRIE Conference & The Sixth Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia, Phuket, Thailand, May 27-29, 2004.

Rittichainuwat Ngamsom, Bongkosh. (2008). Exhibition Manual. Bangkok: Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau & Thailand Exhibition Association (Thai).
Referee Journals
Rittichainuwat, B., Nelson, R., & Rahmafitria, F. (2018). Applying the perceived probability of risk and bias toward optimism: Implications for travel decisions in the face of natural disasters. Tourism Management, 66, 221-232, Scopus data base: doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2017.09.01
Rittichainuwat, B. & Lin Feng (2018). What is the tourist misbehavior? CHRIE Communiqué, 32(4)
Rittichainuwat, B., Laws, E., Scott, N., & Rattanaphinanchai, S. (2018). Authenticity in screen tourism: significance of real and substituted screen location. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(8), 1274-1294. Sage Journals online: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1096348017736568
Rittichainuwat, B. (2016). Does Tourism Break Down or Create Stereotype Barriers? CHRIE Communiqué. December, 30(12), 7, 9.
Rittichainuwat, B., Chakraborty, G., & Rattanaphinanchai, S. (2014). Tourists’ Motivations to Travel during Financial Crisis. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 15:100-113.
Rittichainuwat, N. Bongkosh. (2013a). Tourists’ and tourism suppliers’ perceptions toward Crisis Management on tsunami. Tourism Management. 34, February: 112-121. Scopus data base: doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2012.03.018
Rittichainuwat, N. Bongkosh. (2013b). Tourists’ Perceived Risks toward Overt Safety Measures. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 37(2), 199-216. SAGE, Journals Online: doi:10.1177/1096348011425494
Rittichainuwat, Bongkosh.and Judith Mair. (2012). Visitor Attendance motivation at consumer travel exhibitions. Tourism Management, 33(5): 1236-1244. ScienceDirect, Scopus data base: doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2011.11.002
Rittichainuwat B., & Chakarborty, G. (2012). Perceptions of Importance and What Safety Is Enough. Journal of Business Research, 65(1): 42-50. ScienceDirect, Scopus data base
Rittichainuwat, Bongkosh.and Judith Mair. (2012). An Exploratory Study of Attendee Perceptions of Green Meetings. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 13(3), 147-158.
Rittichainuwat, N. Bongkosh. (2011). Ghosts: A Travel Barrier to Tourism Recovery. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(2): 437-459. ScienceDirect, Scopus data base: doi:10.1016/j.annals.2010.10.001
Rittichainuwat N., Bongkosh, & Chakarborty, Goutam. (2009). Perceived travel risks regarding terrorism and disease: The case of Thailand. Tourism Management. 30(3): 410-418. ScienceDirect, Scopus data base: doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2008.08.001
Rittichainuwat Ngamsom, Bongkosh. (2008). Responding to Disaster, The Case Study of Phuket, Thailand. Journal of Travel Research, 46(4), :422-432. Sage Journals online: doi: 10.1177/0047287507308323
Rittichainuwat B., Qu, H. & Mongkhonvanit, C. (2007). “A Study of Travel Inhibitors on the Likelihood of Travelers to Revisit Thailand.” Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 21 (1): 77-87. EBSco Host Database
Rittichainuwat N., Bongkosh., Qu, & Mongkhonvanit, C. (2008). Understanding the motivation of travelers on repeat visits to Thailand. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(1): 1-21. Sage Journals online: doi: 10.1177/1356766707084216
Rittichainuwat N., Bongkosh. (2006). Tsunami Recovery: A Case Study of Tourism in Thailand. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Quarterly, November, Vol. 47 ( 4), 390-404. Sage Journals online: doi: 10.1177/0010880406289994
Rittichainuwat N., Bongkosh., Qu, H., & Leong, J. (2003). “The Collective Impacts of A Bundle of Travel Determinants on Repeat Visitation.” Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 27(2): 217-236. Sage Journals online: doi: 10.1177/1096348003027002005
Rittichainuwat N., Bongkosh., Qu, & Mongkhonvanit, C. (2002). “A Study of the Impact of Travel Satisfaction on The Likelihood of Travelers to Revisit Thailand.” Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 12 (2). EBSco Host Database
Rittichainuwat N., Bongkosh., Qu, H., & Brown, T. (2001). “The Image of Thailand as An International Travel Destination.” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Quarterly, April, 42(2): 82-95. ScienceDirect, Scopus data base: doi:10.1016/S0010-8804(01)80020-3
Rittichainuwat N., B. & Beck, J., & Lalopa, J. (2001). “Understanding Motivations, Facilitators, and Inhibitors, of Association Members in Attending International Conferences”. Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management, 3(3), 45-62. EBSco Host Database
Ngamsom, Bongkosh. & Beck, J. (2000). “A Pilot Study of Motivation, Inhibitors, Facilitators of Association Members in Attending International Conferences”. Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management, 2 (2-3). EBSco Host Database
Rittichainuwat, Ngamsom, Bongkosh, & Silcox, Jonathan. (2006). “Disaster Management and Recovery Strategies in the Hospitality Industry of Thailand.” Presented at 17th ASAIHL-Thailand Inter-University Conference on Disaster Management through Regional Cooperation,” Bangkok, Thailand, September 22, 2006
Rittichainuwat, Ngamsom, Bongkosh., Mouton, Kris., Silcox, Jonathan, & Worth, James. (2006). Travelers’ concerns on safety and security. Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand booklet, 15(1), 19-21.
Rittichainuwat, Ngamsom Bongkosh, (2006). “Recommendations for future studies on MICES Issues: A Case of Thailand.” The Thailand Research Fund, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 May, 2006.
Rittichainuwat Ngamsom Bongkosh, (2006). “A Study of Tourists’ Motivation in Visiting Phuket after the Tsunami” Proceeding of the 2006 Pacific Asia Travel Association : Education and Training Forum, Pattaya, Thailand, 22 April 2006
Rittichainuwat Ngamsom, B. (2005). “Understanding Perceived Travel Risk Differences between First Time and Repeat Travelers. Paper presented at the Third Global Summit on Peace through Tourism, Pattaya, October 2-5, 2005.
Rittichainuwat Ngamsom, B., Qu,H., & Mongkhonvanit, C. (2004). “What would deter travelers from Revisiting Thailand?” Paper presented at the Second Asia-Pacific CHRIE (ApacCHRIE) conference & the Sixth Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia, Phuket, May 27-29, 2004 (Best Paper Award)
Rittichainuwat Ngamsom, B., Qu, & Mongkhonvanit, C. (2002). “Understanding Travelers’ Motivations to Revisit Thailand.” Paper presented at the Fifth Biennial Conference: Tourism in Southeast Asia & Indo-China: Development, Marketing, Sustainability, Hong Kong, SAR, May 23-25, 2002
Qu, H., & Rittichainuwat, Ngamsom, B. (2001) “The Impact of Destination Image on Repeat Visitation.” Paper to be presented at the American Marketing Association in Service Marketing, Sydney, Australia, May 26-28.
Rittichainuwat, Ngamsom, B. & Qu, H. (2001). “The Impact of Travel Inhibitors on the Likelihood of Revisiting.” Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference Graduate Education/Graduate Student Research in Hospitality & Tourism, conference, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Ngamsom, B. & Qu, H. (2000) “A Study of the Image of Thailand as an International Travel Destination.” Paper to be presented at the Fourth Biennial Conference: Tourism in Southeast Asia & Indo-China: Development, Marketing, Sustainability, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Qu, H. & Ngamsom, B. (2000). “A Travel Demand Model and the Impact of Asia Financial Crisis on International Tourist Arrivals to Thailand”. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association Sixth Annual Conference proceeding, Phuket, Thailand.
Ngamsom, B., Qu, H. & Gaiko, S. (2000). “An Analysis of Thailand’s Marketing Promotion Strategies During the Financial Crisis.” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference Graduate Education/Graduate Student Research in Hospitality & Tourism, conference, Houston, TX, USA, 5, 34-45.
Ngamsom, B. & Beck, J. (2000). “An Analysis of Association Members’ Motivations in Attending International Conferences.” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference Graduate Education/Graduate Student Research in Hospitality & Tourism, conference, Houston, TX, USA, 5, 411-414.
Ngamsom, B., Cobanoglu, C., Adler, H., & Beck, J. (2000). “Analysis of Educators’ Selection of Lodging Accommodation on International Business Trips.” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference Graduate Education/Graduate Student Research in Hospitality & Tourism, conference, Houston, TX, USA, 5, 251-253.
Ngamsom, B. (1999). “Shopping Tourism: An Alternative for Thailand Tourist Destination Development.” Fourth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 4. 219-228.
Ngamsom, B. (1998). “Shopping Tourism: A Case Study of Thailand.” Proceedings of the Third International Conference, “Tourism and Hotel Industry in Indo-China & Southeast Asia: Development, Marketing, and Sustainability, Phuket, Thailand, 112-128.
Proceedings & Presentations
2007 Rittichainuwat Ngamsom, Bongkosh. “Thailand Tourism by Arthur Asa Berger the Haworth Press Inc., Binghamton, NY, USA.” Review paper for Annals of Tourism Research, “Publications in Review.”
2004 Rittichainuwat Ngamsom, Bongkosh. “Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality” edited by Zheng Gu, the Haworth Press Inc., Binghamton, NY, USA
Book Reviews